Pharmacists Must Charge for Their Time: Part 1

Jul 02, 2023

Test, Already!

Toss the self-limiting belief that you can’t charge for your time out the door because it’s already being done. I’ve done it and so can you.

The old way of giving away free 30-minute consultations is dead. Your time is valuable. Your knowledge is valuable. If you don’t believe this no one else will.

You went to pharmacy school, acquired years of training and knowledge, passed your boards, and became the medication expert. 

Physicians have looked to YOU countless times to answer drug related questions, complete medication histories, and dose patient’s medications.

Why? Because they KNOW that you are the medication expert on the patient care team. You care for your patients. Physicians believe that you are a worthy. 

Do you believe the same in yourself? 

People are eager and willing to pay for the things they find valuable.

There are two things in this equation that you must figure out first. 

  1. Who is your ideal patient/client?
  2. What services does this person 

These are some of the first questions that I ask my clients when we start working together. 

Guess what? Most of the time, they do not have concrete answers to these questions. 

That’s okay! We work through this exercise together.

Once we have a crystal-clear picture of who this person is, we give them a name. The star of your service is born! The Hero

It’s never about you, it’s about them. 

Your ideal client will hire you because you’ll be so clear and certain in your messaging that it will seem as if you’re speaking directly to them. This instantly builds the know, like and trust factor. 

You can create the best service in the world. It provides so much value that anyone would be crazy not to jump on board and have you solve their health problems. 

But you don’t want to work with just anyone, you will end up helping no one.

You want to help your ideal client, the Hero! Your amazing service is created with a very specific person in mind.

It’s what’s on the inside that counts.

The first step is to dig deep by clarify their top priorities, distinct qualities- what makes them tick! 

To get a clearer picture, answer these questions:

What values does your Hero possess?

How do they feel? How do they react?

What are their goals? What is important to this person?

If your offering is not top priority to them, they will not hire you.

Clarity inspires action, so you can Test, Already! 

Tara and Chuck Schneider, Point of Care Testing Institute Co-Founders  

P.S. This week, in our Group Coaching Call, we are diving deep into how to target your Hero using Facebook Ads.

Did you think ALL we talked about was testing? No way!